214 West Street
headstones, memorials, gravestones
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For many people the provision of a suitable memorial is a visible link between their departed loved ones and themselves and we hope our website will help you
choose a suitable memorial to perpetuate your cherished memories and to honour a life with dignity and respect.
We offer a varied selection of memorials in natural stone and granite, suitable for cemeteries and churchyards. Everything from a simple vase to an ornate kerb set. The memorial you choose can be tailored to your individual requirement in terms of size, colour, design and ornamentation. Personal designs and ornamentations can be included to make your choice truly unique, whether it is a particular sport, pastime or hobby, or perhaps some special achievement, we can create a memorial design for you that will encompass all those thoughts and memories.
Prutton Memorials
Verified ID: 439055031971841
Verified 19/05/2024 @ 05:52:10
Last updated 12/11/2024 @ 12:59:59
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Monday to Friday
09:00 to 17:00
Saturday to Sunday